The Globe Getter

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Subira Z. Willock: Black Travel Snob

Name: Subira Z. Willock

Occupation: Owner of Black Travel Snob


Currently Living In: Brooklyn, NY

Travel Motto: Just Go!

Favorite Travel Destinations: Tokyo, Japan

What Makes Her Want to See the Globe: I’m super curious about different cultures and how we all relate as human beings from different pockets of the world. It’s not enough to just meet different people, I like observing locals in their element, sitting with them and listening to stories about how their culture and customs have shaped their identities.

Ultimate Bucket List Trip: I have this strange fascination with ancient civilization, so my top bucket list trip was to visit the Pompeii ruins of Ancient Rome and climb to the crater of Mount Vesuvius, and I did it in 2013! Next I’d like to visit the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and Machu Picchu in Peru.

Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: From my experience, working your vacation around federal holidays is the best way to maximize vacations days. Plus, if you can visit multiple countries in a long trip using stopovers, you get more value out of the days you take.

Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: Start saving up for travel in advance, and take small trips and work your way up. The last thing you want to do is go into major debt for something that should be relaxing and enjoyable. If you prepare financially to travel more, you will get more satisfaction out of it.