The Globe Getter

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Why Travel is Still Worth It

I had an entirely different blog post that I was going to publish today. I'll still get it up on this site at some point, but it didn't feel right to post it today. Today we had yet another frightening and disturbing attack take place, this time in London. 

I know these attacks are not unusual anymore. There are similar incidents that happen all the time, many of them in destinations that aren't written or talked about nearly often enough. It's horrifying, heartbreaking, infuriating, disturbing and so many other adjectives that don't capture what it's actually like. 

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in now. And yet, I still think travel is worth it.

It's also just flat out scary. Scary to think that something like what's happened in many of these cities is a possibility, particularly in places that are known as popular tourist destinations. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in now. And yet, I still think travel is worth it.

I realize it sounds silly and probably ridiculous to say, "I know terrible attacks are taking place around the world but we should still travel." I fully realize that. And I agree, it probably does sound slightly ridiculous but I also believe this is why travel is important.

When we stop doing things out of fear or let those who are trying to hurt us prevent us from doing something, they win. They 100% win, and we ultimately lose. Fear and avoidance are not the answer. I truly believe this. So where do we go from here in a world that feels uncertain... is uncertain?

We travel and demonstrate why travel is and always will be worth it.

We travel and confront our misconceptions and biases. We travel and talk to people who come from different backgrounds and yet there are so many similarities. We travel and see that the world is not always scary; it's more beautiful than not, and not as ugly or terrible as maybe we thought it was. We travel and demonstrate why travel is and always will be worth it. This is how we fight fear and show strength. This is how we overcome barriers and make those connections with people who change our perceptions and long-held beliefs. 

The events that took place in London were terrible and sad, just as the events that have taken place in other cities around the world are truly horrific. But I will not stop traveling nor will I see this world and these places as ones to avoid. Travel is worth doing, and the world is worth seeing.

My thoughts are with all those affected by the tragic events that have taken place. I wish we didn't have to deal with these occurrences and see them in the news as often as we do. I wish we didn't have as much hatred and thirst for vengeance as we do. The best way I know how to combat this is to travel, open my mind to other beliefs and ways of life and show that it's possible to bridge differences. And these days, it's not only possible, it's imperative.

Do you think travel is worth it? Why or why not?