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An Attitude of Gratitude: A Few Things I'm Thankful For

Where to begin?

The world is very much in turmoil. Many people are sick or dying, millions are without jobs, the stock market has been a rollercoaster, and now some people are voluntarily ingesting household cleaners (no comment on that last one).

Even with all of this craziness happening, I have often felt grateful over the last few weeks. There are the big things that I continue to be thankful for – my job, a roof over my head, food on the table and, most importantly, my health.

At this point in the pandemic, COVID-19 is not something abstract that’s affecting people somewhere far away. It was at one point, and admittedly at that time, I gave it no thought. Now, it’s at my doorstep, literally and figuratively. I hear sirens all day (though the sirens are thankfully becoming less frequent), I know people who’ve tested positive for COVID-19, and I know people with family members who have either gotten very ill or unfortunately passed away due to COVID-19. So, I don’t take being in good health lightly at all. This is why I stay home – for myself and for others.

It would be very easy to give into the anxiety during this point in time. The news reports (which I try to avoid, for the most part) are disturbing and the world as we knew it has completely changed with no clear picture as to what the world and our society will look like next. So, yes, it would be very easy to be anxious, especially being in New York.

I have found, however, that instead of being anxious, I’ve come to greatly appreciate the little things and to really enjoy the simple moments. It’s that gratitude that’s kept me going over the last several weeks. Here are a few of the things I’m thankful for throughout this challenging time:

I had no idea how integral music was to my life until I found myself listening to music every single day of quarantine. And the music varies drastically, depending on my mood. For example, yesterday I went for a run and needed a good beat to keep me motivated, so my music was high energy. Then later in the day, with the sun setting, I switched to chill Brazilian music while I enjoyed a glass of wine and some reading. Music alone has kept me from feeling anxious, and I’m so grateful for that.

I’m like a moth to a flame when the sun comes out; I just can’t resist it. This time of year in New York means very up and down weather (thankfully it was a mild winter), so one day can be gorgeous while the next is overcast and rainy. On the days when the sun is out, there’s a 99.9% chance I will try to take advantage of the nice weather in some way. Sometimes that means going to one of the parks near me early in the morning (with my mask on while I practice my social distancing) and other times it might mean opening the window that leads to my fire escape (what I like to think of as my faux balcony) and sitting in my window while feeling the sun shine directly on me. The sunshine + music = a perfect moment.

I know there are many people who suffer from allergies. I’ve been there, and it is the worst. So, my apologies to you for having to suffer in the spring weather. For me, though, spring is a stunning time of year. Just like fall, I LOVE watching the change in seasons – the sun rises earlier and sets later, the trees burst into an array of color, and the birds are out chirping and doing their thing. Any time I go out now, I find myself trying to capture artsy photos of the flowers in bloom because they bring me so much joy and I love looking back at the moment and remembering the feeling.

I used to think of myself as a lazy cook, and in some ways, I am still probably a lazy cook, but now I feel like I’m an ambitious lazy cook. I’ve never done so much cooking in my life. And I’m strangely not tired of it like I thought I would be. I’ve come to realize that there were other things in my life that were draining me (e.g., my subway commute to and from work), so the idea of cooking felt so daunting. But now, I find myself cooking a few times a week (with Sundays being my main day to cook a few dishes), and experimenting with new recipes that I find on I’m grateful to be able to get consistent grocery delivery that allows me to cook often.

I like to be an active person, so exercise isn’t new to my life, but I am so grateful for it now. There are so many options for getting exercise – from a simple walk around a park to numerous at-home workouts and many things in between. I always – always – feel better after doing some sort of exercise, and so I try to do something active several days a week. It’s an added bonus if the weather is nice and I can take my exercise to a nearby park. That’s the best trifecta: sunshine + music + exercise.

The Nightly Cheer for Essential Workers
I believe this started in Wuhan, where the COVID-19 outbreak began, and has since traveled around the world: a standing ovation and cheer for our essential workers. In New York, we clap and cheer every night. Every single night at 7pm. I sometimes forget what time it is until I hear one of my neighbors start banging on their pots and then I jump up and run to the window so that I can join in on the clapping and yelling. And these days, someone always plays “New York, New York” while the delivery men honk their horns and those walking on the street join in on the cheering. It only lasts about 2-3 minutes at most, but it’s a daily reminder to be grateful for all those putting their lives at risk every day because it’s their job.

I’m often asked how I’m doing during this time period, which is really nice of people to reach out and ask, and I always say thank goodness for technology. Being able to stay connected – not only to family and friends, but also to my music, favorite workout studios, online recipes, and so much more – is a blessing I don’t take for granted. If this situation had occurred 50 years ago, it would be very different and certainly much harder for many, I imagine. But with technology, I still feel connected with the added bonus of disconnecting when needed.

Travel Memories and Photos
No, I’m not traveling right now, and yes, I miss it desperately. But thank goodness for memories and photos of my travels. They’ve reminded me of the beauty of the world and the fact that many of these places aren’t going anywhere. We will travel again and explore new places again, hopefully with a greater appreciation of the earth. I can already imagine the moment when I see a beach again, or am hiking on a mountain breathing in the fresh air (can you tell my travel fantasies are skewing more towards nature at the moment?). Or sitting down to a great meal in a foreign city. I can’t wait. I mean, I can wait and will need to wait until things are better, but in the meantime, I’m so glad I have these photos and memories to keep me company.

Though there are many other things I’m grateful for, these are the few that are top of mind. In a strange way, one of the positives of this situation is that it’s made many people pause, reflect, reconnect, enjoy the simpler things in life and decide what they’ll bring with them into our next new normal. I can only hope I stay grateful for these little things and small but mighty moments no matter what comes next.

What are the things you’re thankful for right now?