The Globe Getter

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Patrick Bennett: Uncommon Caribbean

Name: Patrick Bennett

Occupation: Co-Founder of Uncommon Caribbean


Currently Living In: New York City

Travel Motto: Get lost!

Favorite Travel Destinations: Easy. The Caribbean! More specifically, I’m crazy for the Tobago Cays in The Grenadines. There’s something extra special about the Tobago Cays that truly settles in your soul. That reminds you of how gorgeous the world is away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

What Makes Him Want to See the Globe: While I do spend an inordinate amount of time in the Caribbean, I am passionate about seeing the rest of the world as a means of always keeping life in general and my life in particular in perspective. The best way to empathize with others, in my opinion, has always been to experience where they come from. Perspective and empathy have carried me across six continents so far.

Ultimate Bucket List Trip: I’ve always dreamed of riding a motorcycle along the coast from Quintana Roo, Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and finishing in Suriname… Okay, maybe French Guiana!

Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: Wake. Up. Early. This is my secret. I wake at dawn (sometimes before) and get going! There’s a whole world out there to experience and I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: I’m not going to blow smoke here: traveling more is difficult. Jobs, family, life. There are so many obligations. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. You just need to follow a two-step process. Decide to do something small, then do it. Decide to pick a destination, then pick it. Decide to pick a time period, then do it. And on and on. You get to there from here by taking many steps, not miraculously sprouting wings.